Reading Pacers are a carefully designed system of nine reading guides and a reading coach's manual, which boosts reading efficiency. This common-sense method produces immediate results and focuses on the individual.
Reading Pacers increase reading efficiency by training readers to move through sentences with decreased regression to prior text, develop reading rhythm, and create effective eye movement. Consistent reading productivity requires a focused effort provided by pacers.
Most of us are still using the same reading skills we were taught in grade school. Reading Pacers break the old reading mindset. This method is for goal-driven individuals who need more control of their time and future via knowledge.
What if the way you are reading is preventing you from doing it effectively? Now there is a way you can change all of that.
Got questions? We’ve got answers. If you have some other questions, feel free to send us an email to
Your mindset rules your life. In order to be sucesseful in reading and other aspects of your life, you must have the right mindset & attitude.
Police and society are giving you expensive training, which your parents should have provided for free.
Lack of focus. Average focused, motivated people do not.
Winners practice. Losers do not.
Because “It is all about me.”
Changing mindset takes disipline and effort. Get a support team.
It is about inner self. Self-image relates to self-discipline.
The average person can get “B” grades or better. Check study habits and determination!